Friday, June 22, 2012

Down in Brighton

So it's Thursday(actually it's Friday now) and I'm down here along the coast in Brighton. I landed in England on Monday night after a long day of traveling. I had left LA at about midnight, made a brief stop in New York City, changed planes, and took off for Heathrow. I still feel a little dazed - and have that sort of disbelieving feeling of, Oh my god! I'm in England.
It was fairly late when I made my way out of customs and was free to move. I passed a bar that was still open so I went in and got a pint of Guinness - I felt that I deserved it after the 12 hours of being on a plane and the hour or so afterwards of waiting in line to get my passport checked.
Since I knew I was going to be getting in that late I had decided on getting a motel room close to the airport. I caught a cab and was delivered there safely - I checked in and I was happy to be able to set down my bags - and have a space to myself for a while.
It was almost midnight and I decided to have a look around - try to get some food and some toothpaste - luckily both weren't too far away. It wasn't too cold out - and several people were out walking around too. I watched the buses and cars roll down the roads - and looked at the houses that lined the streets. It all felt somehow familiar and completely new at the same time. I made it back to my room and crashed out for the night.
Tuesday I woke up ready to head down to Brighton. I asked the front desk on the best way to get down here and she printed me up some directions and it was fairly easy. I caught a bus which dropped me off by a rail station, and then took that towards central London. I got off a busy station - searched briefly on what train would take me down to the coast - thankfully it was pretty clear - bought the ticket and waited for the train with a cup of coffee.
It was a nice day out - the sun was shining and a few clouds drifted across the sky. I could see people walking around town - going here and there. I did know that the weather was eventually going to change but I had seen that the next couple days were going to be good "summer" days.
The train came and I got on and we headed south. We passed through many towns - and during the clearing of the trees I was able to see the green rolling hills - and farms and roads that wound through the countryside. I enjoyed the ride down, trying to remember as much as possible and trying to see as much as possible too.
About an hour after I had gotten on, we pulled into the Brighton Station which had a massive covering above the tracks. There were quite a few people in the station area and I wondered around for a bit. I sent a message to my friend Birte, whom I was going to be staying with for the next few days - she used to live in LA and it had been 12 years since we had seen each other. She had helped me get two of the shows here in town.
She showed up quickly with her son Jack in a stroller and we caught a cab back through the winding, hilly streets of Brighton back to her house. Later that afternoon there was a birthday party not too far away - and with amazing speed, Birte pushed Jack in the stroller and we made our way up through the narrow streets.
The first night was a calm one - which I was ready for. Birte and I caught up at a pub just down the street - her husband watched the kids - and we participated in the pub quiz (we ended up 2nd to last in the standings). I enjoyed the English Ales and was happy when we got back and I quickly drifted off to sleep.
The next day it was another beautiful day out. We met up with some of Birte's friends down by the sea - enjoying some midday coffees and the sun. Lots of people were out and about - cruising around the city on foot - also enjoying the sun. I would learn that it's been a cold season so far and that the sun was to disappear the next day.
After a bit of rest (for me) we got our gear together for the show that night. Birte organizes a night at a club in town and she booked a few bands, in addition to hers, Arthur and the Irrational. I was to start off the night - the first of three acts - and my first show out of the country - I was looking forward it.
The club was nice - a place called The Latest Music Bar in Kemp Town in Brighton. There was a nice bar and a little stage upstairs, and then down some stairs was the basement and a good sized room with a stage - and a bar. Tables were spread out across the floor - and the room felt comfortable. The sound guy got the stage set and the different acts ran through their soundchecks - and after mine I felt ready.
I was first up that night and got started after a few people made their way down to the room. I ran through my set of six songs and felt good about it. I had a cold the previous week and it still was lingering around and sort messing with my voice, but I worked through it and the people there seemed to enjoy it. I'm looking forward to playing a longer set in town next Friday at a place called the Tic Toc. Birte will also be playing a few songs and hopefully we can get something worked up together. The rest of the bands were really good - Dan Korn and the Choppy Waters, and Birte's group which has her playing and singing, Kate on cello and singing harmonies, and Rose on accordion. It was so good to hear Birte play again - it had been almost 12 years. Thomas White finished off the night and by the end of the night I was ready to rest - the traveling and time zone changes were catching up to me.
Yesterday the weather did indeed change. I woke to grey skies and wind. I had the house to myself for a bit while everyone went to school or work. I eventually made it outside and down the hills to walk through the shops in The Lanes and then down by the waterfront again - which definitely felt different with no sun out. I walked on the pier which has an amusement park on the end and then had to take cover as the rain started falling.
Back in the shopping areas I found a place for some fish and chips and a pint of some cream ale - that was really good. I need to have some more so I can compare. Even though it was raining, it was still nice out - or maybe I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm in England - on vacation - and just experiencing this trip.
Last night Birte and her group, Arthur and the Irrational, had another gig at the Pavilion Theater - it was a big show featuring local bands - and her group played in the bar area during the breaks on the main stage. The place was very nice - they even had their own dressing room. During the set people packed into the bar area and listened. After their two sets were done, we went in a listened to the headlining band, Sparrow, who were good - an indie guitar rock sound. There was a good crowd there listening - and it all felt familiar - people playing music and being connected to a music scene - it's a universal sort of thing.
Today I'm heading up to London. I'm playing a show on Sunday afternoon - a show called Come Down and Meet the Folks at the Apple Tree. I'm looking forward to seeing the town - I'm also going to meet up with friends of friends - I'm ready for another new experience.
yours truly,

Flying over the west coast of Ireland
A pint of Guinness at a Heathrow bar
On the train down to Brighton
Brighton Station
In front of Brighton Station - waiting for Birte to meet up with me
Walking through the hilly streets of town
Shops in The Lanes
Down along the seaside
The Grand Hotel
Poster from Wednesday's show
Dan Korn and the Choppy Waters
Arthur and the Irrational - Birte, Kate, and Rose
Thomas White and his group
A mural in a Brighton alleyway
Brighton Pier on a cloudy day
Fish and Chips at The Western Front - they were really good
Victoria Station
Buckingham Palace
Just before it started raining - although it would stop quickly - and then start again later
Tonight in Chiswick

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