Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Early Morning - Day 3 on Day 4

Yes - so I missed writing yesterday. I was up very early after a late night on Sunday. My friend Eddie has two kids and they get up in the morning around 6 or so - and that is what happened on Monday and today. I spent the rest of Monday groggy and wanting more sleep and was very lazy for the day - until the evening when I had to get ready to go out and play.
Last night's set at The Sail Inn was a pretty good one. I had a small crew of people make it out which I was happy about - especially for a Monday night. The people that run the Sail Inn are very cool and it's been a good place to play.
In a few minutes I'm going to be getting my stuff together and hitting the road again - back to LA and then later on playing at The Cinema Bar in Culver City for show #3 of the tour.
All right - time to get moving.

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