Monday, April 4, 2011

Stormy Weather - day 31

Today here in Nashville was pretty intense. We had been told by the news that a good storm was going to be moving in - which was really surprising since yesterday was so nice - we even slept with the windows open and the fan on. But as the day moved on, the clouds slowly started crawling in and rain fell in scattered showers.
I had been having a fairly relaxing day - working on getting shows booked for June and possibly May - even though it's pretty late - and a thought or two for a new song, when I heard on the Weather Channel a major storm heading our way - well pretty much from Houston to Southern Illinois in a long contoured lined. The experts were calling for major thunderstorms, possible hail, and tornadoes. It had already done some damage in the Memphis area - and the storm was heading straight for Nashville at a rate of 70MPH.
Rain fell outside but it didn't look too bad - but as 2pm came - which was the arrival time, the tornado sirens were going off around town and the TV station was sounding the emergency signal too. We had decided to head downstairs into a safer place than Lauren's upstairs room which has a big windows and several other smaller windows too. Nando, Lauren's dog, was freaked out and scared as the thunder roared and, also, as we got visibly more nervous about the situation. 2:15pm was now the time that the storm was going to hit and we got ready for it. I looked outside once more before we went into the safer room, and the sky in the distance was darker and you could feel that something was going to happen. The lights flickered a bit but we never lost power, and I kept track of the storm on the internet and the radio. By 2:30 we could see that it had moved on and we came out back into the main room. We had heard from Lauren's roommate Shane, who called during it all and who actually was in the middle of the storm trying to get back home. Thankfully nothing bad happened to him and he made it back safely.
We turned on the news and could see the damage around the area from Memphis and Nashville - Little Rock and Alabama. I felt lucky that nothing happened to us or to the property - just our nerves - or mine anyway - a little shaken up. Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny out again - before another storm, I think, will move in.
So that's been the day over here in Nashville - that will be all the drama.
yours truly,

About 10 minutes before the storm struck - you can see it coming

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