Saturday, April 16, 2011

Up in the Mountains of CO. - day 42 & 43

Yes - we pulled it off! We made the long drive from Dallas and made it in time for the gig up here in Estes Park, CO. It was quite an adventure and we went pretty much from stage to stage. I also crossed the 100K miles mark in my car just south of Colorado Springs. Sleeping in felt so good.
Thursday night we rolled up into Dallas from Austin and met up with one of Lauren's friends from college. The place we were playing was downtown called the City Tavern. It was a decent bar and had a small stage in the front right by the window. We set up and got to playing. But beforehand we ordered food and I chose a hamburger - which was a bad choice - it really was one of the worst burgers and was so surprised - you know being in Texas and all. I didn't even finish it all. But the playing still went well. Another one of Lauren's friends made it out and we had a nice little crowd to cheer us on.
I also knew that right after the gig we had to get in the car and hit the road to Colorado. When I had booked the shows I knew it was a long distance but as the days approached I started realizing it wasn't going to be easy at all. So right after midnight we had the car packed up, checked out the map and started driving northwest. Lauren was in the passenger seat and did her best to get comfortable so she could sleep. I picked up some coffee and settled in and we made our way up the highways of Texas.
It was extremely windy all across the Texas plains and I did my best to hold my car on the road. I heard later that there were storms to the east and was happy that we missed them all - just wind for us. We made a stop and I slept for a short spell right before dawn - then headed up to Amarillo - which is a stop I always make and that was going to be our switching point. We pulled into the Starbucks and it felt good to get out of the car for a moment.
Lauren drove north and got us finally out of Texas and I slept. I awoke as the wind was still rushing across the plains and we went from New Mexico in to Colorado. I was watching the clock too since we had to be at the gig at around 6 to start - or so I thought. By Denver we were both feeling extremely beat. Lauren has also been working from the road, so she had her laptop out and was finishing up her day. We hit traffic through Denver but broke free as we hit the road to Boulder and beyond into the hills and into the mountains.
The roads winded up and up and it was a stunning sight when we made into the Estes Park area - an opening in the mountains - a lake - snow caps all around - deer and elk cruising around the town - and we found our way to Mary's Lake Lodge.
It's a very nice place up on a hill that overlooks the the lake. I came in to check it out - one of the perks about playing here is that you get a room to stay - and we were both looking forward to sleeping at some point. We also found out after coming in and meeting the host of the night that we didn't have to play until 7pm which was about an hour a way - and we were happy about that so we could rest and settle down and eat - which we hadn't done for most of the day.
The room filled up with diners and we got to our set and had a good time. I did struggle for a moment trying to gather the energy to carry on - but we pulled it off.
The rest of the night we hung out and talked to the bartender and Dick, the host of the night who was a really nice guy. Then later came up and finally got to sweet sleep.
Today we're getting ready and going to check out the town before heading down to Denver where we're playing tonight at KJ's coffee and wine bar with my cousin Chris.
Well got to get cleaned up now and get ready for the day -
yours truly,

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